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And a happy New Year it is!

Another long delay between posts.. but I think we can all agree we were ready for 2016 to be over! As crazy as it was, it was probably my most successful year as an artist! I have been virtually cleaned out and I am currently on a rampage to replenish my stock. Many pretty ladies are coming and perhaps some fellas as well ;)

In November I participated in my first anime convention as a VENDOR! This is a big deal for me. I have been a cosplayer for over 10 years and have been to many conventions as an outrageous fan girl. Often fantasizing about a table filled with my artwork. Little did I know it would happen at Nekocon 19 - coincidentally the first anime convention I ever attended! It was a blast and a huge success! I absolutely cannot wait to travel and do more! Make sure to check my "shows" section to see where I will be next!

December was an exceptionally busy month. My annual end of the year sale takes a lot of time and preparation before and after the actual sale. But as always, thanks to all of you, it was outstanding. I have these sales twice a year. There's one in the July and one in December, both online on my Facebook page. I do these for two reasons: I work from my home studio and after a certain amount of time my condo turns into a full on art gallery- and it's never ending. I need to make way for even more artwork and pushing it out all at once is both liberating and motivational. The second reason is I want to be able to offer some pieces at affordable prices to everyone who enjoys my artwork so much! It's my way of saying thank you for all the support I receive from my friends and followers. I couldn't do it with out you <3

Last month I also had the opportunity to work on a huge chalk canvas project for Grow -a digital marketing agency in downtown Norfolk ( Special thank you to my talented wonderful friend Jason Levesque ( for suggesting me and making it happen! I'm very honored to be among some great artists who have participated in this rotating showcase. Each piece is displayed for a year then is erased and another artist creates something new.

I've hit the ground running this year working on a slew of new pieces for upcoming shows and events! Many of which I have already posted in my "shows" section. Follow my journey with this new blog page for adventures and photos you can only see here! Big things are coming!!

xoxo Julia

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